Sunday, January 26, 2020

Globalization Theory on Welfare Provision

Globalization Theory on Welfare Provision Globalization theory implies that the nation has little autonomy in organizing its  welfare provision. Evaluate this statement, referring to at least two welfare regimes. At first glance this statement appears to be true when applied to the welfare states of both Germany and Sweden. For nearly a century the Swedish welfare system was the world’s pre-eminent example of the ‘social-democratic’ model of welfare provision; likewise Germany’s welfare regime was a classic instance of the ‘Conservative’ model. Yet in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s both models were aggressively assailed by serious economic difficulties. These difficulties have been attributed to the effects of globalization and they have been cited as evidence that idiosyncratic and distinctive national welfare schemes cannot resist world economic and social forces. Economic evidence appears to uphold this statement. Sweden’s unemployment figures rose for instance from less that 1% in the late 1980’s to over 12.5% in 1993. In Germany workers contributed 26% of their income to welfare in 1970 and over 40% by 1990. Faced with such figures Swedish and German governments have felt massive pressure to cut back on systems of benefits that their accustomed citizens have deemed essential for more than fifty years. Authors such as Esping Anderson argue however that – at least in the case of Sweden and other ‘social-democracies’ – the present economic difficulties of these systems are temporary phenomenon made more severe by a combination of unfortunate events in the world economy in the 1990’s. These pressures are ephemeral and when they pass away it will be possible to maintain the universal level of welfare guaranteed by the social-democratic model. Less optimism can be expressed for the German model which faces the enormous difficulties with its ageing population, rising tax-burdens and assimilation of East Germany. The term ‘globalization’ has become something of a bloated monster with many different heads each meaning for the people who use them slightly or considerably different things from the others. Even a casual glance at the literature will show that the term is associated with the spread of each of the following: internationalization, liberalization, universalization, westernization, modernization or deterritorialization (Held, 1999). There is little space in this essay to discuss these terms in depth, and so it is best here to give a consensus definition that draws from each of them. When referred to welfare regimes globalization signifies an economic and social compression and condensing of the world whereby financial and social interaction between states is intensified. The World Bank for example defines globalization as the â€Å"Freedom and ability of individuals and firms to initiate voluntary economic transactions with residents of other countries†[1]. Globali zation means that there is a greater flow of commodities and influence across the borders of countries. Economically, this means that free trade, migration, capital and technology have a far greater power to influence individual states and nations than they had before. National economies and institutions (such as welfare systems) are more susceptible to international pressures and are often forced to conform or modify themselves so as to be competitive with these general trends. In social terms, globalization imposes upon individual nations the need to conform to international attitudes, for instance, towards the rights of women. Acceptance of such impositions often requires profound changes to the structure of traditional national institutions or ways of life. Authors on globalization have been equally vociferous in their support and condemnation of the movement. Noam Chomsky, for instance, is publicly critical of the tendency of globalization to remove freedom and choice from the individual and to transfer it to transnational corporations. Chomsky argues that global organizations such as the Bretton Wood institutions, the IMF and the World Bank, have promoted the ‘Washington Consensus’ whereby poor countries have to reduce welfare provisions to meet debt payments to richer nations (Chomsky, 1999). Accordingly, the WTO, GATT and NAFTA are agencies that seek to acquire privileges for elites rather than those of the third-world. In contrast, those who promote globalization, such as the leaders of the institutions listed above, argue that globalization means a golden opportunity to build a platform for worldwide and universal democracy, healthcare, pension provision and all of the other basic rights expected by citizens of Western welfare regimes. Esping Anderson’s The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism (Esping-Anderson, 1990) is a seminal text in the literature of welfare states. As its title suggest, Esping’s book divides the various kinds of welfare regimes in developed nations into three types: Liberal, Conservative (Corporate), and Social Democratic. Examples of countries with Liberal welfare regimes are the United States, Canada and Australia. These systems support means-measured-assistance that issue benefits for mainly the poor or those incapable of self-assistance. Government intervention in the welfare system is limited since government institutions are seen as unsuited for the dispersal of benefits; private welfare initiatives are as such much encouraged. The liberal model is predominantly individualistic and market-orientated. Examples of the Conservative type include Germany, France and Italy. In this model welfare benefits are related to social position and employment status. This model depends heav ily upon the work of the Church which is intimately linked to the distribution of welfare – particularly provision for the poor. So too the family is a vital source welfare. Sweden, Denmark and Norway are examples of countries that practice the Social Democratic model of welfare provision. Referred to also as the ‘Scandinavian Model’ or the ‘Swedish Model’, this type of provision demands the intimate public involvement of its citizens in the economy and society of the nation. In such models the welfare state is an umbrella that protects the whole nation. For instance, education is universally free (or very cheap) and of such a uniformly excellent level that it is unnecessary to maintain private schools. Healthcare, childcare allowances and old-age pensions are available to all citizens. The philosophy of the social democratic model is that its institutions should be egalitarian whereby the standard of living for the whole nation is leveled as much as possible. Esping’s model has been highly influential upon the thought of scholars writing about the welfare state and upon practitioners within it. Esping’s work is also significant because he suggests that the social-democratic model may be able to weather the difficulties it has undergone by globalization since the early 1990’s. These ideas are now discussed with reference to the particular welfare regimes of Sweden and Germany. The German welfare regime is a classic example of the conservative model of welfare provision. Originating with Chancellor Otto von Bismarck during the 1880’s the German welfare regime gradually established compulsory insurance schemes for healthcare, accidents, disability and old-age. After Bismarck the German welfare state was further expanded during the years of the Weimar Republic and the Nazi dictatorship. In 1957 Chancellor Adenauer passed the Pension Reform Law which aimed to distribute on an egalitarian basis the wealth of the ‘economic miracle’ that Germany was experiencing at the time. This was a momentous and controversial decision that would lead to successive German chancellor’s competing to offer better and better – and more unrealistic and more unrealistic! – welfare provisions and retirement packages to German workers. Adenauer replaced Bismarck’s limited system of helping only the elderly or desperately poor with pensio n schemes linked to wages referred to as ‘pay-as-you-go’ (Beck, 1995). These schemes were highly successful during the boom times of the 1950’s and 1960’s and up until the 1970’s. The 1980’s and 1990’s however saw the beginning of a series of serious economic challenges to the German welfare model: the German economy began to slow, the re-unification of East Germany meant huge extra burdens for the system and the German population was ageing quickly. In these years pension contributions for German workers went up from 26% in 1970 to 40% in 1990 (Crew, 1998). German politicians failed to see and so prepare for these events. Chancellors Helmut Schmidt and Helmut Kohl sought to improve things by extravagant pensions promises that they knew they could not could not fulfill. Chancellor Kohl for instance famously claimed in his 1990 Unity Campaign that ‘When I say that we will not increase taxes, it means we will not increase taxesâ₠¬â„¢ (Bleses, 2004). Within a year gasoline, tobacco and insurance taxes had been raised as well as the solidarity surcharge added. Globalization became a major problem for the German welfare system in the early 1990’s when the world-recession hit Germany’s economy hard and made it difficult for her to sustain her generous welfare provision. Germany initially responded to the pressures of globalization by raising taxes steeply. Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder’s has recently sought to introduce comprehensive reforms of the welfare system – Hartz 1V[2] for instance to respond to globalization. German trade unions are intractably opposed to such reforms and have staged huge street protests against them. The ‘Swedish model’ of welfare provision is a classic example of the social-democratic type. The history of the Swedish model is closely bound to the aims of the Swedish Social Democratic Party which was founded in 1889. The SDP was set up by industrial workers who aimed to guarantee every Swedish worker (and later every Swede) medical insurance, pensions in old-age, redundancy protection and various other benefits that guarded them against poverty and hunger. The SDP based the Swedish welfare system upon very high taxation (as it remains today) and Swedes pay up to 60% of their total income to the government. 90% of businesses in Sweden are privately owned and pay large corporate taxes to the government also. The SDP’s interpretation of the welfare state was based upon high taxation and was referred to as the ‘People’s Home’. The SDP became the dominant political force in Sweden in the 1930’s (lasting in power for sixty years) and in 19 37 the Riksdag (Swedish parliament) passed a pensions scheme for the elderly that continues to the present. After World War II the SDP extensively enlarged the welfare regime. This extension included mandatory health insurance, dental insurance, child-care subsidies, five-week vacation periods and so on. Thus by the 1970’s the dream of the ‘People’s Home’ had been substantially realized. Nearly sixty years of near blissful conditions in Sweden’s welfare system were seriously threatened in the 1990’s by a series of economic difficulties which were attributed to globalization and adduced as evidence that individual national monetary policies cannot survive the effects of globalization (Rydenfelt, 1981). Sweden is the classic example of the social-democratic model ‘third-way’ between conservatism and laissez-faire and so if Sweden fails to protect its distinctive system then all others of this type are likely to fail also. Globalization is seen to have forced Sweden to reduce full-employment provisions and to slash benefits in its welfare regime. The electoral defeat of the SDP for the first time in sixty years was seen as further evidence of the ability of globalization to affect well-rooted national institutions. Evidence for the crisis caused by globalization appears convincing. Between 1990-1995 national growth was viscous at 0.4% GDP, une mployment soared from 1.6% in 1990 to 12.5% in 1993. Government expenditure measured in GDP climbed from 60% in 1989 to 74.1% in 1993 (Crew, 1993). These events had three principal causes. Firstly, the volatility of Swedish currency internationally in expectation of the finalization of the European Single Market and also the act of Sweden’s joining the EU. Second, the far-stretched depression of the early 1990’s that reached globally. Thirdly, the difficulties of maintaining the level of the Krona next to the Deutschmark after competitive devaluations were ditched in the 1980’s. This evidence can be interpreted in two ways. Some argue that the Swedish crisis is an inevitable consequence of lavish public spending and impossibly high welfare provisions. The other school, represented by Esping-Anderson for instance, argues that the Swedish crisis is temporary and that its welfare state is capable of surviving present economic difficulties. Events for this school ar e conjunctural (Esping-Anderson, 1990). Sweden is not the victim of globalization, but of a particularly unlucky set of economic coincidences. Finally it must be said that neither Sweden nor Germany has yet determined with certainty whether they will be able to resist the pressure of globalization to modify or replace their idiosyncratic national welfare models. Sweden and Germany face pressure from within and without. Globalization from the outside, and the absolute demand of their citizens for a continuation of the present generosity of their respective welfare systems. If Esping Anderson is right, Sweden may weather the storm and preserve its social-democratic model. For Germany the external pressures are greater and the rescue of its conservative model far less certain. Bibliography Beck, H. (1995) The Origins of the Authoritarian Welfare State in Prussia. Ann Arbor,  University of Michigan Press. Bleses, P. (2004) The Dual Transformation of the German Welfare State. Palgrave Macmillan,  Basingstoke. Castells, M. (1996). Information Technology and Global Capitalism’ in W. Hutton A.  Giddens (eds.) On the Edge: Living with Global Capitalism. Vintage, London. Crew, D. F. (1998). Germans on Welfare. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Chomsky, N. (2003). Hegemony or Survival. Metropolitan Books, New York. Chomsky, N. (1999). Profit Over People. Seven Stories Press, New York. Chossudovsky, M. (1997). The Globalization of Poverty. Impacts of the IMF and World Bank   Reforms. Zed Books, London. Esping-Anderson, G. (1990). The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. Polity Press,  Cambridge. Hajighasemi, A. N. (2002). The Transformation of the Swedish Welfare System: Fact or   Fiction? University of Durham, Durham. Held, D (et al.). (1999). Global Transformations – Politics, Economics and Culture. Polity  Press, Cambridge. Kelner, D. (1997). Globalization and the Postmodern Turn. UCLA, Los Angeles. Kuttner, R. (2002). Globalization and Poverty. The American Prospect Online. Liebfried, S. (2003). Limits to Globalization: Welfare States and the World Economy. Polity  Press, Cambridge. Rydenfelt, S. (1981). The Rise and Decline of the Swedish Welfare State. Lund University  Press, Lund. Rydenfelt, S. (1980). The Limits of Taxation: Lessons from the Swedish Welfare State. Lund  University Press, Lund. [1] [2] Hartz IV, Federal Agency for Labour: a law that offers reduced unemployment benefits at different levels in East and West Germany.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Creative Enterprise And Context

MA in INTERIOR & A ; SPATIAL DESIGN Module 7CTA1009 | Creative Enterprise And Context | Individual ReportAccredited Work Experience Your work experience may affect, for illustration:A lasting occupation that you are already making, related to your field of survey.A free-lance undertaking.An internship or work arrangement.Approximately 100 hours – including report-writing. ( e.g. 1 twenty-four hours per hebdomad for 10 hebdomads ) You should enter and reflect upon your experience, and summarize the decisions in a brooding papers. This papers shouldsketch the workthat you have conducted andwhat it has taught youabout theprofessional fieldin which you work. You should besidesreflect upon wider facets of your industry, and research how your work is located in thatlarger context. Your grade is based on the quality of thestudy,nonon the work that you do in your period of employment. You need to show thevalueof your experience, andwhat you have learned. This is acritical text. Refer to other paperss to contextualise your experiences. With the passion I have towards the profession of my dream, accepting assorted freelancing occupations over the past twelvemonth or so was the way I chose to be the stepping-stone to construct my calling. This was how and why I gain my professional experience and despite along the manner after meeting obstructions in the early phases of my calling, the experiences have made me a stronger individual to fix myself for the hereafter. Furthermore, because of my ability to get the better of the challenges I face, this has lead for me to hold more assurance in the calling I chose whilst being able to anticipate that this would non be something that I will repent. From the beginning I realized that traveling down the way of freelancing was traveling to be tough but because of the fact that I have the flexibleness to take the undertakings that I prefer played an of import function to maintain myself motivated in what I do and the calling end I would wish to accomplish. My calling end is to c onstruct an interior design house and to portion the passion I have for Interior Design. Making my occupation out of passion and non merely for the interest of fiscal addition has made my calling journey even more interesting. A brief overview to one of the many undertakings I took on was a residential undertaking located in Ampang Botanic, Klang, Malaysia. Residential design involves assorted sorts of planning and scope of building, which incorporate with cognition of human behavior –physical, psychological and cultural of the clients. Due to homes being one’s personal infinites which support the individual’s life style, interior interior decorator playsanessential function in communicating with clients. [ 1 ] The Low family’s semi-detached abode has a built-up of 3010 square pess, approximately 36 pess broad and 82.5 pess for its length and all 6 of the household members are regarded as separate clients to carry through their single demands. Based on experience, my function as an interior interior decorator and the designing procedure are really much similar regardless the graduated table or types of homes. The term ‘creative industries’ originated in the 1990s, with the UK authorities the first to follow it as a agency of promoting the acknowledgment of the economic part made by creativeness and civilization. [ 2 ] Creativity is constructed through an â€Å"interaction between manufacturer and audience† [ 3 ] , it can be argued that clients are an indispensable portion of the societal context for interior decorator. Therefore, harmonizing to the societal contextual position [ 4 ] clients may hold the possible to act upon the creativeness of interior decorator. This has examined when my clients, Low household have affected my initial thoughts for their home. I have proposed them some interior design thought, but at last they have commented and I took their remarks so blend into my initial thoughts. I have realized this could go on all the clip even though sometimes I am really steadfast and confident with my thoughts, but undeniably client’s remarks are really of import as they are the 1 who traveling to populate in the infinite. Nevertheless, I agreed with Parnes who asserted that in creativeness research shows that persons produce more fresh and utile thoughts if they believe the state of affairs encourages such behaviors. [ 5 ] I can see this when Mr. & amp ; Mrs. Low have affectively needed my sentiments, they would demo concern for the feelings and demands of me. Under these fortunes, I will be less likely concern about negative unfavorable judgment by them which can sabotage my desire to supply confident and better service. Rather, I feel more bucked up and daring to research with assorted bright colorss, stuff or form and to happen more originative solutions to a infinite. I have suggested Mr. & amp ; Mrs. Low to utilize dark colorss, such as black and dark brown for most portion of dry kitchen to make a different sort of atmosphere in this home. Furthermore, I have realized that I will put more into this undertaking when my clien ts swear me. I besides expended excess clip and attempt in researching options to the regular service provided, thereby lending to the results. Besides, one of the important things that I have learnt since I started free-lance undertaking is non all value is created equal. For me, I will merely larn what is valuable to clients by acquiring to cognize them. But on the position of clients, value contains many parts ; from cost-effectiveness to long term potency to the efficiency and smoothness of the undertaking itself. As when the brief is taken and communicate with them, seek to experience where they feel the value of undertaking lies. Clients need to cognize what they are paying for, non merely in footings of a touchable merchandise, but besides in footings of any behind-the-scenes or potency advantages which interior decorator has built into the undertaking. My function and the procedure begins with run intoing the client to garner information sing their demands to come up with thoughts to trades with the issues at manus that is brought frontward by the client or from my personal observation. Then elaborate and accurate drawings will be produced from the thoughts discussed to guarantee that the undertaking is good planned and systematic. Material choice and specification of furniture will be decided and I will oversee all the inside informations and supply more elaborate drawings where necessary when the installing takes topographic point. Assorted concern paperss have to be provided and managed for this procedure to run every bit swimmingly as possible. However, the undertaking development for this residential undertaking has the same advancement from the old undertakings I have done. This undertaking started in August last twelvemonth before I came to the United Kingdom to go on with my Postgraduate surveies. I foremost met up with Mr. and Mrs. Low on a insouciant societal footing to larn more about each other in general and to see the nature of the undertaking. I gathered every bit much information as I could to set up what their demands are and desire for their new home and after a few other subsequent phone conversations, I wrote a proposal dwelling of all the architectural and ad hoc services I would supply. After Mr. and Mrs. Low accepted my proposal, all paperss such as the agreed proposal and citation were signed before anything went frontward. Before the design work could get down, I had to detect the overall demands and restraints, which will be the model for the remainder of the undertaking. I went to the site to study in order to derive a more in depth cognition of the home and after taking note of the inside informations, I started working on the design development which I feel is the most exciting portion of a undertaking. Once this phase started, interior decorator will maintain in touch with client really frequently discussed the design and inside informations. I have developed infinites with Furniture Plans ( fig.1 ) , color strategy and construct. Within this development, interior coatings inside informations such as pigment, wall-covering, flooring, ceiling and window interventions, castings, cabinetwork and countertops will be decide every bit good. All the choices will be show in 3D Perspective Drawings ( fig.2 & A ; 3 ) for clients to hold better image to conceive of with the existent infinites. After finalisi ng the design drawings, I have confirmed with clients before get downing the concluding particularization of programs such as Mechanical & A ; Electrical ( M & A ; E ) Plans ( fig.4 ) , Reflected Ceiling Plans ( fig.5 ) , Floor Finishes Plans and others detail drawings. After design development, I have left the building and installing portion to my concern spouse, Mr. Alex who owns a custom-build furniture company. Since I am traveling to foster my surveies, Mr. Alex has coup d'etat my portion to finish this undertaking. Since I am in United Kingdom and the undertaking is in Malaysia, we use different methods depending on the state of affairs, such as electronic mail, instant messaging, picture confab or societal networking. In the interim of analyzing and working on free-lance undertakings, I have gained many accomplishments and personal qualities to be an interior interior decorator, which I think this is one of the intents of this assignment has outlined in faculty. First of wholly, being a free-lance has trained me to be more good subject and professional in originative industries, which is the chief purpose of this faculty. In originative industries, image and feeling of a interior decorator is really of import, as this is how client trust interior decorator at the beginning. If a designer’s image is bad, client will non swear them and delegate undertaking to them. Besides, I am developing an oculus for design which involves understanding a few rudimentss of perceptual experience from freelancing, which is good to my surveies every bit good. For case, I have better 3D consciousness as I have experienced the transmutation from pulling to existent object ; how lines or colorss will impact the aesthetics value and make ocular beat in a infinite ; how to utilize pattern and stuff in a design ; how to make designs that provide focal points that serve to honor the oculus ; how to accomplish ocular balance in a infinite and the difference between symmetricalness and informal balance. Besides, creativity and imaginativeness have risen throughout working on free-lance. For me, being able to pass on efficaciously is the most of import of all life accomplishments, pass oning with clients has strengthened my communicating and dialogue accomplishments. Communication is merely the act of reassigning information from one topographic point to another, how good the information can be transmitted and received is a step of how good the communicating accomplishment is. For illustration, able to talk suitably with a broad assortment of people whilst keeping good oculus contact, show a varied vocabulary and orient the linguistic communication to clients, listen efficaciously, nowadayss ideas suitably and work good in a group which requires good communicating accomplishments. With good communicating accomplishments can assist all facets of life, particularly from professional life to societal assemblages and everything in between, which now that beneficial to my freelancing, university life and societal life. Other than that, freelancing has sharpened me awareness of proficient edifice issues, the scope of relevant merchandises and stuffs. As working with free-lance undertaking in industry, I have the opportunity to larn about stuff in existent life. Assorted professional of stuffs companies have assigned the staff to convey my existent stuff samples and explained me about those merchandises. Furthermore, working in site undertaking has taught me how importance is proficient pulling in the interior design industries. If there is error in the proficient drawing, it would impact the existent object on site ; as a consequence this has indirectly trained me to be more careful on pulling. I have decided to be an interior interior decorator when I was 15 old ages old and I am working hard to accomplish my aspiration. For me, freelancing while I am prosecuting my surveies is an indispensable first measure toward my aspiration. With the result of this assignment and faculty, I am sharpening my accomplishments and allow myself fixing to accept more new challenge in my calling in future. Appendixs Figure 1: Furniture Plan, Ground Floor Figure 2: 3D Perspective Drawing of Living Area Figure 3: 3D Perspective Drawing of Dry Kitchen Figure 4: Mechanical & A ; Electrical ( M & A ; E ) Plan, Ground Floor Figure 5: Reflected Ceiling Plan, First Floor Mentions Amabile, T. M. ( 1996) Creativity in context.Boulder: Westview Press. BOP Consulting. ( 2010 )Maping the originative industries: A toolkit.[ e-book ] London: British Council. Csikszentmihalyi, M. ( 1999 )Deductions of A System Perspective for The Study of Creativity.New York: Cambridge University. Knackstedt, M. V. ( 2012 )The Interior Design Business Handbook: A Complete Guide to Profitability. New Jersey: John Wiley & A ; Sons.Madjar, N. & A ; Ortiz-Walters, R. ( 2008 ) ‘Customers as Subscribers and Reliable Evaluators of Creativity in the Service Industry’ , Journal of Organizational Behavior. [ on-line ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //[ accessed 25 April 2014 ] Parnes, S. J. ( 1964 ) ‘Research on developing originative behavior’ ,Widening skylines in creativeness.New York: Wiley. Bibliography Ball, L. ( 2003 ) . Future Directions for Employability Research in the Creative Industries. A on the job paper by the Learning and Teaching Support Network and Design Council. Knackstedt, M. V. ( 2012 )The Interior Design Business Handbook: A Complete Guide to Profitability. New Jersey: John Wiley & A ; Sons.Piotrowsk, C. M. ( 2013 )Professional Practice for Interior Designers.New Jersey: John Wiley & A ; Sons.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Treaty of Versailles and a World War II - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2372 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/08/15 Category History Essay Level High school Topics: Treaty of Versailles Essay World War 2 Essay Did you like this example? After a quick overview of World War I along it?s war ending accord, the Treaty of Versailles, the general assumption that this agreement set up the perfect scene for World War II to start came up for discussion, leaving no other option but to detailly study the Treaty to further understand how it could have caused the start of World War II. In order to have an accurate judgement on whether the peace treaty of Paris was really responsible for the start of World War II it was key to do an analysed research on the agreement. The result of this research was very clear leaving the final answer that the Treaty of Versailles was indeed the main case of the start of WWII due to the harsh sanctions put on Germany after the war, along with that the way that it put down all German morale leading Adolf Hitler the perfect opportunity to spread nationalistic ideas that promoted the start of the war.. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Treaty of Versailles and a World War II" essay for you Create order The Treaty of Versailles was a treaty signed in Versailles, France, in June 1919, with the aim of ending a war that had devastated the entire world and never before seen in the history of mankind. Its purpose was to establish the guidelines of world peace and avoid future conflicts that would lead to a catastrophe similar to the one recently experienced. The following research paper will try to explain how this treaty was signed by some of the worlds greatest powers and, once explained, try to demonstrate at what level it can be considered one of the causes of the Second World War, emphasizing the points considered more conflictive and whose consequences could give reason to future international conflicts. To carry out this work, I will rely especially on the Treaty of Versailles and its relationship, direct and indirect, with Germany, since in my opinion, this was the most affected country and was the nation where the terms of the treaty had the most repercussions, giving rise to subsequent reactions of great importance when it comes to establishing a why to the Second World War. In addition, it is in my opinion appropriate to make an attempt to represent the main interests of each of the nations involved, at the end of the First World War, which were reflected in the preparation of the treaty. The Defeat of the Central Powers The German spring offensive of 1918 was launched by Ludendorff in a last desperate attempt to win the war before too many American troops arrived and before the discontent in Germany unleashed a revolution. The attempt was about to succeed: by taking advantage of all the additional troops unoccupied in the east, the Germans made their way into the Somme (March) and by the end of May they were only 65 kilometers from Paris; where the allies seemed to fall apart. However, under the general command of Marshal Marshal Foch managed to maintain themselves, while the German advance lost momentum and created a stifling congestion. The Allies launched a counter-offensive near Amiens, with hundreds of tanks attacking on the basis of rapid attacks at many different points instead of attacking a narrow front, forcing the Germans to retreat on all fronts. Slowly but firmly, they were forced to retreat until by the end of September by that time Allies had crossed the Hindenburg line. Although Germany had not yet been invaded, Ludendorff was convinced that they would be defeated in the spring of 1919. He insisted had the German government call for an armistice to President Wilson , in the hope of obtain less severe conditions in accordance with Wilsons Fourteen Points. By calling for peace in 1918, Germany would be saved from being occupied and preserve the armys reputation. When the Allies began to advance in the summer of 1918, the contest continued for another 5 weeks, but in the end an armistice was signed on November 11. The Central Powers not only admitted the defeat, but collapsed and the revolutions were dist ributed, by the autumn of 1918, around all central and south-eastern Europe, as before in Russia . Problems To Make a Peace Arrangement At the beginning of the war, none of the participants had a precise idea about what they hoped to achieve, apart from the fact that Germany and Austria wanted to preserve the Habsburg Empire and considered it necessary to destroy Serbia. Germany had also begun years ago a competition with Britain for which of the two powers was better armed, and with France to see which of the two was more industrialized. The World War appeared as a perfect scenario to define these confrontations. Considering that in the past practically none of the non-revolutionary and non-ideological wars had been waged as a fight to the death or even total exhaustion, why, then, did the major powers on both sides consider the First World War to be a conflict in the one who could only contemplate victory or total defeat? Eric Hobsbawm says The reason is that, unlike other previous wars, driven by limited and concrete reasons, the First World War pursued unlimited goals. Faced with the prolongation of the conflict, some of the governments involved, perhaps with a view to encouraging their troops by presenting them with some concrete objectives to fight for, began to enumerate their war objectives. Although the main intention of the Treaty of Versailles was to restructure the map of Europe, both to weaken and control Germany and to fill the large empty spaces that had remained in Europe, when the peace conference met in January 1919, It soon became clear that it would be difficult to reach an agreement because of the different ideas of the Allies on how to deal with the vanquished powers. Wilson, for the United States, in spite of his main interest in his last point (that of the League of Nations), had originally been in favor of a benign peace, but Wilsons attitude changed as the Germans did he ignored his Fourteen Points and imposed on Russia the harsh Treaty of Brest-Litovsk; now he thought that the Germans needed to be punished, and he agreed with the English and French demands regarding reparations, and German disarmament. Wilson was also in favor of self-determination. The French delegation, represented by Clemenceau, was interested above all in their security and to achi eve it demanded a severe peace to ruin Germany economically and militarily. Italy, with Orlando at the head, struggled to be granted what had been promised in 1915 in exchange for his entry into the war (Trento, Trieste, Istria, etc.) to which in the points of Wilson was alluded only in a very ambiguous way. Great Britain, with its minister Lloyd George, was very little interested in the League of Nations, but first of all wanted to defend its colonial interests, improve its share of German reparations, and secure its former naval supremacy. Although England was in favor of a less strict arrangement that allowed Germany to recover quickly and reinsert itself in the economic scheme , George had just won an election campaign based on slogans such as hang the Kaiser and offers to obtain from Germany all the juice that can be squeezed from a lemon and a little more, so the people wanted a severe fix. It became clear how it is reflected that the United States wanted a peace without victory , while France and Great Britain wanted a peace with victory . The Treaty of Versailles could thus be presented to Germany in May 1919 and was finally accepted by the German government (which rejected it in the first instance) on June 28. The Treaty reflected the purposes of each of the representatives of the Allies. The Peace Agreement obliged Germany to return Alsace and Lorraine to France, to surrender their colonies to Great Britain, France and South Africa under the formula of mandates (and those of Asia, to Japan, Australia and New Zealand), to also give up part of their territories from the east to the new Poland and Schleswig to Denmark. The Saar region came under the administration of the League of Nations and French occupation until 1935; that of the Rhine was demilitarized and occupied by allied forces. In the east, Poland was effectively rebuilt. Danzig, a German majority city on Polish territory, was declared a Free City but a Polish corridor was drawn between Danzig and the German border to allow Poland access to the sea, thereby c utting East Prussia from the rest of Germany. At the other end of East Prussia, the port of Memel was delivered, under international control to Lithuania. The German army was reduced to 100,000 men. By clause 231, the treaty declared Germany guilty of the War and held him liable for the losses and damages caused, although the estimate of the amount to be paid for repairs was left to a commission (6,500 million lire plus interest) .Meanwhile, Germany was obliged to hand over to the Allies, in advance, its merchant and war fleets (the sailors sank the latter before doing so), certain quantities of coal and the properties of German citizens abroad. Finally, the possible unity of Germany with Austria was forbidden. The Treaty of Versailles invalidated that of Brest-Litovsk. In addition to Poland, also Finland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia were recognized as independent countries. Finally, on January 16, 1920, the League of Nations was established in Geneva, the body that, as a democrat ic assembly of sovereign nations, was to guarantee cooperation between them and the resolution through arbitration and open diplomacy of conflicts and international disputes. The League of Nations was also completed with the International Labor Organization, to extend labor legislation, and with the International Court of Justice, based in The Hague. How can the Main Points of the Treaty of Versailles be Reflected in a Future War? The main thing and the common reaction to all the points of the treaty was the discontent and the feeling of rage and revenge of the German people towards the Allies, which motivated them to do something. The level of tension of the population increased to the maximum and a future crisis was evident with consequences such as the Second World War. That was an imposed Peace: the Germans were not admitted to the Versailles conference, they were simply presented with the conditions and forced to sign. Although they were allowed to criticize them in writing, all their protests (except one regarding the territory to give way) were discarded. This led Hitler to base his political campaign against the Treaty of Versailles and against those who had signed it and thus come to power. Once in power he stated that since peace was equivalent to a diktat, it should not be considered morally binding. Germany was imposed a peace with very harsh conditions, justified on the grounds that it was solely responsible for the war and all its consequences, , in order to keep that country in a situation of permanent weakness . Many of the stipulations did not agree with the 14 points: The Germans felt cheated because they claimed that they had promised that the treaty would be based on the famous Fourteen Points, but in fact it had not been like that. Even the Germans were referring to the fact that the United States had not signed the Treaty of Versailles precisely for that reason. It must be emphasized once again that situations like this led to a rise in the level of tension of the German people. Loss of territory in Europe and the world: As main references were the delivery of Alsace and Lorraine to France, the loss of Prussia and all African colonies. Germany lost two thirds of its industrialized territory and much of it was ceded to France to benefit it. In addition to these terms weakening Germany, the German people began to carry out strikes and riots such as those on the Rhine coast to show that they did not accept such conditions. These conflicts could become greater and end in major international conflicts. The disarmament clauses caused deep resentment: The Germans objected that only 100,000 men were not enough to maintain calm and security in the town in times of political disturbances and national reorganization. Similarly, the displeasure of the Germans increased later when the other powers showed no interest in disarming and point 4 said general disarmament. Thus disarmament was not carried out by any power. Added to the feeling of revenge and reaction that reigned in Germany, it was not the safe The guilt clause of the war: The Germans claimed that they were not entirely to blame for what happened, but it was a further demonstration of the Allies attempt to destroy Germany even though the war was over. Despite the fact that later studies may attribute blame for what happened to Germany, it is almost impossible that in the space of six weeks in 1919 the Special Commission on War Responsibility would do so. The definitive humiliation: The reparations were established in an amount impossible to pay for Germany. This was recognized even by the economic adviser of the delegation of Great Britain, J.M. Keynes. Failure to pay brought a crisis because the Allies had the German money to pay their own war debts and did not receive it on time or in the amount fixed. Thus came the Wall Street crisis of 1929 affecting the whole world. France even tried to force the Germans to pay, thus creating a new conflict that would trigger in some others until the amount to be paid was reduced by 2.2 billion lire. The greatest humiliation, however, was that the Treaty was signed at the Palace of Versailles, where the German Empire had been established some 50 years earlier. All these reasons were exploited by Hitler to acquire power in Germany and gave birth to people a feeling very exploited by the fhrer that were the main cause of the Second World War. Conclusion The Treaty of Versailles was, in fact, a treaty that attempted to end the war and establish world peace, but failed to do so, either because of the opposing and erroneous interests of the intervening powers as well as because of the ingenuity of Germany and the other affected powers to resuscitate and take advantage of the smallest conjuncture of the treaty.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Percentage Of Students Showed Growth On Academic Areas

Question Set 3: †¢ What percentage of students showed growth in academic areas (mathematics, science, English, social studies) of less than 10%, less than 25%, and less than 50%? This question is important, because in the TSGCM model, â€Å"identification occurs annually based upon student performance, with the expectation that achievement will increase as students grow, develop, and respond to appropriately differentiated curriculum† (Gentry Fugate, 2013). With this model, every student is tested and therefore you have a starting point to see where they are at in their knowledge base and an ending point at the end of the year to see if they were successful by completing a post test. This is a reliable assessment tool since the students will have taken the same test before and then after learning the material in a TSGCM classroom. In our assessments at Wakefield we give the students a pre and posttest so we can assess what the student has learned during the current school year. It is a very reliable source since there is a small degree of variance but they will have had the material taught so the test no matter when they took it would be similar. By doing this you as a teacher can view how much they improved in their academic subject matter in intervals. By dividing the score into different achievement percentages, it enables a teacher to also see who grasped the material the best through their improvement throughout the year. A second way that a teacher could validlyShow MoreRelatedAttendance, Behavior And Academic Performance945 Words   |  4 PagesAttendance, behavior and academic performance are significant because they indicate the overall school effectiveness and students long-term outcomes with the implementation of SWPBIS (Freeman et al., 2015). Most research that is conducted on SWPBIS is taken place at elementary schools or middle schools, leaving the need to examine outcomes at the high school level (Freeman et al., 2015). 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